Are you an overcomer who has started or wants to

start a small business or non-profit?

Are you ready to learn how to monetize your adversity...

in a good way?

You can go from the "Valley to Victory" in your life or small business.

The truth is, "people who pay, pay attention". I heard this from and found this to be true when I finally started paying for a good business mentor for myself. Investing in myself like that helped me overcome some serious money mindset issues I had that were holding me back from being successful and holding me back from helping others.

Would you enjoy learning how to help others in a way that provides for you and your family while simultaneously living out your Godly purpose of serving others with the gifts you've been given?

Imagine knowing how to gain the right clients who are willing to pay you for your time and expertise. Imagine no longer wasting your time and energy on people who aren’t paying attention or taking action with the valuable insights you share. Imagine instead, being well paid to share the same information with the right people who are ready to hear from you.

For many years I didn't know that the bible says, "a wise man leaves an inheritance to his children's children." See, when you are profitable you don't get burned out and you are able to help those who really want your help. At the same time, this allows yourself the ability to have quality family time and the ability to rest when you are sick or when you need rest. A good money mindset coupled with valid business mentorship helps you end the cycle of working non stop just to survive. It's difficult to serve others well when you are constantly in survival mode.

Burning yourself at both ends, filling up others, while you're steadily emptying and draining yourself, isn't the way to God wants us to live. I want you to STOP doing this. Rest is important, taking care of our families is important. I've been there though, the place were you work so hard that you can't rest properly and your family comes last and you you feel like something isn't right. That's because it's not. You care and want to help others, me too! Helping others is what we are all called to do. I don't want you to slowly kill yourself while attempting this.

If adversity is your greatest asset and money is a tool then imagine what you can build by combining these two things in a way that is not tacky and not taking advantage of people. This is what I call going from The Valley to Victory!

Life's challenges have shaped you, but they don't have to define you or cripple you. If you've overcome adversity and want to transform those experiences into powerful assets that help others, you're in the right place.

You've already proven your resilience. Now, it's time to take that strength to the next level—turning your toughest moments into your greatest opportunities.

As an Adversity Architect my mission is to: help you go from Valley to Victory in your life or small business by coming along side you, assuring you have the right foundation then offer a blueprint for growth, helping you monetize your experiences and turn personal challenges into profitable, purpose-driven ventures.

Not everyone has the same goals and that's ok too. Working with the only Adversity Architect who has a unique blend of experience, empathy, and business acumen, you'll learn how to harness your past to create a prosperous future. Whether you’re looking to grow your business, start a non-profit, help others facing similar struggles, or simply live a more fulfilled life, you'll gain insight, knowledge and community to help you succeed.

What You'll Gain:

Transformative Mindset Shifts: Learn how to reframe your challenges into opportunities for growth and success.

Business Strategies for Resilient Entrepreneurs: Discover how to leverage your experiences to build a thriving business. Believe it or not, there are secrets you probably haven't heard and I am so glad I learned them. They changed my life.

Community of Like-Minded Individuals: Join a supportive network of people who are also turning their adversity into triumph.

Don't let your past hold you back. Use it as the foundation for an extraordinary future.

Ready to rebuild and thrive and go from the valley to victory?

Sign up now to be the first to receive exclusive information about working with Edwina Adams, your Adversity Architect. Together, we’ll design a life and business that turns your challenges into your greatest assets while using your adversity to help others.

Join the list today for more encouragement and information.


Gretchen Gegg

GG Coaching, LLC

Her entrepreneurial mindset caught my eye and I asked her to come talk to my clients. She nailed it. But her story of what happened in her life was even more incredible than I could have imagined. When you leave room for God to work His magic in your life it never disappoints.


Rose Selman

Greater Brazos Valley Builders

Edwina shared her story of real-life struggles and adversities providing our group with tools to overcome challenges, offering inspiration and encouragement. She had a great message that inspired all of us to remember the important things in life and how to overcome adversity. Edwina is a true inspiration.

An "Adversity Architect" is a professional who specializes in helping individuals transform their life challenges and setbacks into powerful opportunities for growth, success, and positive impact. They guide others in leveraging their adversity to build a stronger, more resilient future, turning obstacles into stepping stones for personal and professional development.


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Meet Edwina the Encourager

Edwina Adams is an Adversity Architect. She is resilient with a diverse background. A military veteran and a retired paramedic who also has nearly two decades of entrepreneurial experience.

Edwina is a loyal friend, loving wife, and mom who adores cool shoes. She is a published best-selling author, speaker, podcast host and thought leader known as "Edwina the Encourager".

Edwina not only survived challenging situations, including her first marriage to a con man, a near-death experience, founding a business that was one of the first of its kind in America, and becoming an industry leader, but she emerged as a source of encouragement for others facing adversity.

Now, Edwina dedicates her life to offering a blueprint to those who are ready to build a new life. Edwina believes adversity is your greatest asset and that you can thrive in life and business, no matter what you have been through. Drawing upon her journey of survival and empowerment, Edwina is on a mission to motivate others to make NOISE which is her acronym for a Narrative Of Inspiration, Strength, and Encouragement.

"I don't want a spotlight.

I want to be a lighthouse."

- Edwina Adams

Edwina Makes It Easy, Edwina Adams & Let's Makes Some Noise | Copyright 2024 All rights reserved