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Dare To Dream Big: Scaling, Innovation & Success in Entrepreneurship.

Book Review of Dare To Dream Big: Scaling, Innovation & Success in Entrepreneurship

Dare To Dream Big is Ideal for:

  • Trailblazers ready to transform adversity into rocket fuel for success

  • Conference-goers eager to be inspired by powerful stories from real women

  • Anyone craving a surge of encouragement to triumph over challenges

Author Q & A

Dare To Dream Big is an Anthology. What does that mean?

An anthology is a collection of literary pieces by various different authors. I am honored to be a part of this anthology that includes six other extraordinary women. Our stories are complimentary and I love that we are each echoing hope and encouragement to all who will read Dare To Dream Big.

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What inspired you to write this book, and how does it reflect your personal journey or experiences?

In Dare To Dream Big I specifically wrote about "Becoming a NOISE-maker" because NOISE is my acronym for a Narrative Of Inspiration, Strength and Encouragement. This message was already on my heart due to a near death experience and other adversity I wrote about, but just prior to being invited into this Anthology I had been hospitalized with heart failure for a second time. I asked God, "how can I share this message when I'm sick again?" and I felt like He told me "Your message will be even stronger". I literally lived out being a NOISE-maker again while writing this book and my message IS stronger. NOISE is not just a word to me, it's a movement and I want others to know how they too can become a NOISE-maker! I wrote this book while my heart was only functioning at 18% and while having to wear a defibrillator LifeVest™️. I continued to dare to dream big and I continued to make NOISE. (picture is of me and my two children, December 22, 2023 when hospitalized with heart failure)

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How do you hope your readers will be transformed or impacted after reading your book?

My hope is that readers will have just that - Hope. Adversity is bound to happen in life and I believe adversity is our greatest asset. If adversity is going to happen, no matter what, then let's know how to turn it into positive NOISE. I want the readers to know how not to lie down in defeat when it gets too hard and I don't want them to use toxic positivity. There is a better way. A way that works and it's real. If my vulnerability helps them understand this, then I feel like my adversity was worth it.

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  • Dare To Dream Big: Scaling, Innovation and Success in Entrepreneurship is an anthology of seven amazing women who wrote about their journeys, daring to dream big.

  • Discover how to rise above adversity and turn it into positive NOISE—Edwina's acronym for a of Narrative Of Inspiration, Strength, and Encouragement.

  • Gain a fresh perspective of life and adversities from a woman's point of view, infused with inspiration and empowerment.

  • Let Edwina's uplifting narrative propel you towards your big dreams in spite of your adversity.

  • Don't miss your chance to embark on this transformative journey. Pre-order your copy now and dare to dream big!

Meet Edwina the Encourager

Edwina Adams, Author and Speaker

Edwina Adams is an Adversity Architect. She is resilient with a diverse background. A military veteran and a retired paramedic who also has nearly two decades of entrepreneurial experience.

Edwina is a loyal friend, loving wife, and mom who adores cool shoes. She is a published best-selling author, speaker, podcast host and thought leader known as "Edwina the Encourager".

Edwina not only survived challenging situations, including her first marriage to a con man, a near-death experience, founding a business that was one of the first of its kind in America, and becoming an industry leader, but she emerged as a source of encouragement for others facing adversity.

Now, Edwina dedicates her life to offering a blueprint to those who are ready to build a new life. Edwina believes adversity is your greatest asset and that you can thrive in life and business, no matter what you have been through. Drawing upon her journey of survival and empowerment, Edwina is on a mission to motivate others to make NOISE which is her acronym for a Narrative Of Inspiration, Strength, and Encouragement.

"Build beyond adversity and craft a life of impact and purpose."

- Edwina Adams

Book review of Dare To Dream Big: Scaling Innovation & Success In Entreprenuership

Edwina Makes It Easy, Edwina Adams & Let's Makes Some Noise | Copyright 2025 All rights reserved