Encouraging, Motivational Speaker

"Edwina is a true inspiration"

Edwina Adams, Author and Speaker

Edwina helps women and audiences Align & Thrive. Edwina teaches how to build beyond adversity and craft a life of impact and purpose so that you can experience success and joy even through difficult times.

Edwina Adams with microphone

​After her own trials in life and business, including thriving after her first marriage to an actual con man and later surviving a near-death experience, Edwina shares how she overcame those obstacles.

Edwina began applying what she calls the ROCKY WATER Approach to life that allowed her to turn her adversity into positive "NOISE" - Which is her acronym for having a Narrative Of Inspiration, Strength and Encouragement.

Edwina will motivate your audience on how they too can be successful "NOISE-makers" and in turn, create their own Narrative Of Inspiration, Strength and Encouragement using the ROCKY WATER Approach in their lives.

Edwina doesn’t just motivate, she empowers. Through compelling storytelling, real-world experiences, and actionable insights, she inspires audiences to turn adversity (from life or business) into "NOISE" - her acronym for a Narrative Of Inspiration, Strength and Encouragement.

Edwina Adams, Speaker and Author with pom poms

Gretchen Gegg, GG Coaching LLC

Her entrepreneurial mindset caught my eye and I asked her to come talk to my clients. She nailed it. But her story of what happened in her life was even more incredible than I could have imagined. When you leave room for God to work His magic in your life it never disappoints.


Rose Selman, Greater Brazos Valley Builders

Edwina shared her story of real-life struggles and adversities providing our group with tools to overcome challenges, offering inspiration and encouragement. She had a great message that inspired all of us to remember the important things in life and how to overcome adversity. Edwina is a true inspiration

Meet Edwina the Encourager

Edwina Adams, Author and Speaker

Edwina Adams is resilient with a diverse background. A military veteran and a retired paramedic who also has nearly two decades of entrepreneurial experience.

Edwina is a loyal friend, loving wife, and mom who adores cool shoes. She is a published best-selling author, speaker, podcast host and thought leader known as "Edwina the Encourager".

Edwina not only survived challenging situations, including her first marriage to a con man, a near-death experience, founding a business that was one of the first of its kind in America, and becoming an industry leader, but she emerged as a source of encouragement for others facing adversity.

Now, Edwina dedicates her life to helping others use adversity to their advantage and teaches that you can align your purpose with your desired lifestyle. Edwina believes adversity is your greatest asset and that you can thrive in life and business, no matter what you have been through. Drawing upon her journey of survival and empowerment, Edwina is on a mission to motivate others to make NOISE which is her acronym for a Narrative Of Inspiration, Strength, and Encouragement and to Align & Thrive.

"Build beyond adversity and craft a life of impact and purpose."

- Edwina Adams

Edwina Makes It Easy, Edwina Adams & Let's Makes Some Noise | Copyright 2025 All rights reserved